Evaluating Tenants with a Background Check
We are often asked what our Tenant Background Check includes, and what is the difference between the “Background Check” and “Tenant Screening” reports. Both include a Background Check but the Tenant Screening also includes the credit report with a FICO Score. The Background Check is compiled from nationwide data and is very comprehensive in scope. It covers upwards of 30+ years (depending of course upon the age of the applicant) and is derived from very current and up-t0-date data. These reports cover and extensive amount of information ranging from all of the previous addresses (including detailed information such as other household members) to a list of relatives and person associates with contact information.
This tenant background check is vital for finding out if your applicant has ever had a judgment, eviction, lien, bankruptcy, or foreclosure. It also reveals all criminal history, regardless of where the criminal action occured in the country. Landlord’s simply cannot afford not to have this information contained within a Background Check to make good decisions on rental applicants. It should come as no surprise that the court system is crowded nationwide with dockets flooded with landlord-tenant disputes that could have been avoided with a good tenant background check.
Our Tenant Background Check focuses on providing relevant data to landlords in order to make the determination if their applicants and free from the Red Flags that often indicate that a rental applicant is considered to be high risk. Judgments and evictions, as well as criminal history are key items to watch out for. Anyone who has a series of money judgments raise a red flag and should be considered to be high risk. The same is true for any individual that has been forcefully evicted from a property. And of course, criminal history goes without saying. You simply don’t want to take a chance on placing an individual who is either a high risk for paying timely rent or threatened physical harm to your property or other individuals.
To order a Tenant Background Check, you will need to be prepared to have the full name(s) of your applicants along with date of birth and any address from the past 10 years. It is helpful to have a Social Security Number but it is not mandatory. We can normally find just about anyone if we can get enough basic information to identify the individual. We also offer a FREE Background Check on the spouse or partner if the second person is included in the original order. We are certain that you can eliminate upward or 85-90% of the bad tenants if utilize our tenant screening and background check reporting properly by not accepting tenants who are obviously high risk based upon their track records.
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Comprehensive Online Background Check and Quality Tenant Screening Services
Background Search & Landlord Credit Check
Online Background Check and Tenant Screening Order Options:
2) Tenant Screening Report $39.95 - Comprehensive Online Background Check + Full Credit Report with FICO SCORE
(Includes FREE Comprehensive Background Check on Spouse or Partner): --> Quick "How to Order" Video
*This tenant credit check requires a signed rental applicant granting permission of your applicant to run credit.